Su, J., & Naigles, L. R. (in press). Young children use syntactic bootstrapping with both transitive and intransitive frames in the same session: Evidence from a longitudinal study. In H. AlThagafi & J. Ray (Eds.), BUCLD 48: Proceedings of the 48th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Abdelaziz, A., Wagner, M., & Naigles, L. R. (2024). Associations between joint attention, supported joint engagement and language in TD children and children with ASD: Potential sources of individual and group differences in language outcomes. Language Learning and Development, 1–31. https://doi.org/10.1080/15475441.2024.2336047

Tamis-LeMonda, C. S., Kachergis, G., Masek, L. R., Gonzalez, S. L., Soska, K. C., Herzberg, O., Xu, M., Adolph, K. E., Gilmore, R. O., Bornstein, M. H., Casasola, M., Fausey, C. M., Frank, M. C., Goldin-Meadow, S., Gros-Louis, J., Hirsh-Pasek, K., Iverson, J., Lew-Williams, C., MacWhinney, B., Marchman, V. A., Naigles, L. R., … Yurovsky, D. (2024). Comparing apples to manzanas and oranges to naranjas: A new measure of English-Spanish vocabulary for dual language learners. Infancy: The Official Journal of the International Society on Infant Studies29(3), 302–326. https://doi.org/10.1111/infa.12571


Fusaroli, R., Weed, E., Rocca, R., Fein, D., & Naigles, L. R. (2023). Repeat after me? Both children with and without autism commonly align their language with that of their caregivers. Cognitive Science47(11), e13369. https://doi.org/10.1111/cogs.13369

Fusaroli, R., Weed, E., Fein, D. & Naigles, L. R. (2023). Caregiver linguistic alignment to autistic and typically developing children: A natural language processing approach illuminates the interactive components of language development. Cognition, 236, 105422. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cognition.2023.105422


Parker, A., Skoe, E., Tecoulesco, L., Naigles, L.R. (2022). A home-based approach to auditory brainstem response measurement: Proof-of-concept and practical guidelines. Seminars in Hearing: Updates in Electrophysiology, 43(3), 177-196. https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0042-1756163

Mankovich, A., Blume, J., Wittke, K., Mastergeorge, A.M., Paxton, A., Naigles, L.R. (2022). Say that again: Quantifying patterns of production for children on the Autism Spectrum using recurrence analysis. Frontiers in Language Sciences, 13. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.999396

Su, Yi (Esther) & Naigles, L.R. (2022). Acquisition of core grammar in diverse samples of Mandarin-exposed preschool children with ASD. Evolutionary Linguistic Theory 4, 52-101. https://doi.org/10.1075/elt.00038.su

Thomas, R.P., Wittke, K., Blume, J., Mastergeorge, A.M, Naigles, L.R. (2022) Predicting language in children with ASD using spontaneous language samples and standardized measures. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-022-05691-z

Wei, R., Kirby, A., Naigles, L., Rowe, M. (2022) Parents’ talk about conceptual categories with infants: Stability, variability, and implications for expressive language development. Journal of Child Language, 1-22. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0305000922000319

Xie, Q., Su, Yi (Esther), & Naigles, L.R. (2022). Strengths in comprehending grammatical aspect among Mandarin-exposed preschool children with ASD. In Y. Gong and F. Kpogo (Eds.) Proceedings of the 46th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, pp. 862-875. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Yamane, N., Snow, A., Fein, D., Naigles, L., & Goldman, S. (2022) Parent-guided movements during play with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 94, 101968. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rasd.2022.101968

Thomas, R.P., Milan, S., Naigles, L., Robins, D.L., Barton, M.L., Adamson, L.A., Fein, D.A. (2022). Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder and developmental delay in children with low mental age. The Clinical Neuropsychologist 35, 1028-1048. https://doi.org/10.1080/13854046.2021.1998634

Boo, C., Alpers-Leon, N., McIntyre, N., Mundy, P., & Naigles, L. (2022) Conversation during a virtual reality task reveals new structural language profiles of children with ASD, ADHD, and comorbid symptoms of both. J Autism Dev Disord 52, 2970–2983. DOI: 10.1007/s10803-021-05175-6 

Xu, Y. A., Naigles, L. R., & Su, Y. E. (2022). Early word order usage in preschool Mandarin-speaking typical children and children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Influences of caregiver input? Frontiers in Language Sciences, 12, 766133. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.766133

Su, Y. E., Xiao, J., & Naigles, L. R. (2022). Early Acquisition of Wh-Questions in Mandarin-Exposed Children with ASD: Evidence from Intermodal Preferential Looking. Modern Foreign Languages (In Chinese), 45(2), 183-194.


Su, Y. E., & Naigles, L. R. (2021). Comprehension of grammatical aspect markers le and zai in a diverse sample of Mandarin-exposed preschool children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Reading and Writing. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11145-021-10214-w

Naigles, L. R. & Su, Y. E. (2021). Language development in Chinese preschool children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. In S. von Tetzchner, X. Su and F. Xiao (Eds.), Development, assessment and intervention of autism spectrum disorders in childhood: International and Chinese perspectives (pp. 65-74; in Chinese). Beijing, China: Guangming Daily Press.

Abbruzzese, L., McCullough, A.K., Yamane, N., Fein, D., Naigles, L., & Goldman, S. (2021) Assessing child postural variability: Development, feasibility, and reliability of a video coding system. Physical & Occupational Therapy In Pediatrics 41, 314-325. DOI: 10.1080/01942638.2020.1833272

Naigles, L. (2021)  It takes all kinds (of information) to learn a language: Investigating the language comprehension of typical children and children with autism. Current Directions in Psychological Science 30, 11-18. DOI: 10.1177/0963721420969404

Tecoulesco, L., Fein, D. & Naigles, L.R. (2021) What categorical induction variability reveals about typical and atypical development.  Journal of Child Language. DOI: 10.1017/S0305000920000392

Blume, J., Wittke, K., Naigles, L., & Mastergeorge, A. (2021) Language growth in young children with autism: Interactions between language production and social communication. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 51, 644–665. DOI: 10.1007/s10803-020-04576-3


Su, Y., & Naigles, L. (2020). Expressive language abilities of Mandarin-exposed preschool children with ASD. Chinese Journal of Language Policy and Planning [Yu Yan Zhan Lue Yan Jiu], 5(2), 25-34.

Naigles, L. (2020) Atypical language development matters: A commentary on Ambridge (2020). First Language 40, 621-625. DOI: 10.1177/0142723720902288

Tecoulesco, L., Skoe, E., & Naigles, L. (2020) Phonetic discrimination mediates the relationship between auditory brainstem response stability and syntactic performance. Brain & Language 208, 104810. DOI: 10.1016/j.bandl.2020.104810

Kelty-Stephen, E., Fein, D., & Naigles, L. (2020) Children with ASD use joint attention and linguistic skill in pronoun development.  Language Acquisition 27, 410–433. DOI: 10.1080/10489223.2020.1769626


Su, Yi (Esther) & Naigles, L.R. (2019) Online processing of SVO order in a diverse sample of Mandarin-exposed preschool children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Autism Research. DOI: 10.1002/aur.2190

Fusaroli, R., Weed, E., Fein, D. & Naigles, L. (2019) Hearing me hearing you: Reciprocal effects between child and parent language in autism and typical development. Cognition 183, 1-18. doi.org/10.1016/j.cognition.2018.10.022


ADD Abdel-Aziz, A., Kover, S., Wagner, M., & Naigles, L. (2018) The Shape Bias in Children with ASD: Potential Sources of Individual Differences. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 61, 2685-2702.

ADD Chin, I., Vosoughi, S., Goodwin, M., Roy, D., & Naigles, L. (2018) Dense Home-Based Recordings Reveal Typical and Atypical Development of Tense-Aspect in a Child with Delayed Language Development. Journal of Child Language 45, 1-34. doi:10.1017/S0305000916000696

Dai, Y., Burke, J., Naigles, L., Eigsti, I.M., Fein, D. (2018) Language Abilities in Single- and Dual- Language Learners with Autism or other Developmental Disorders. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 55, 38-49.

Naigles, L. (2018) “Language in Autism Spectrum Disorders.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Linguistics. Ed. Mark Aronoff. New York: Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780199772810- 0223

Naigles, L. & Piskin, J. (2018) Lexical and Syntactic influences on Children’s Acquisition of Verb Argument Structure: Comparing Typical Children and Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. In A.B. Bertolini & M.J. Kaplan (Eds.) Proceedings of the 42th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (pp. 572-585). Somerville: Cascadilla Press.

ADD Su, Y., Naigles, L. & Su, L. (2018) Uneven expressive language development in Mandarin-exposed preschool children with ASD: Comparing vocabulary, grammar, and the decontextualized use of language via the PCDI-Toddler Form. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 48, 34323448.. doi: 10.1007/s10803-018-3614-x


Amaral, D.G., Li, D., Libero, L., Solomon, M., Van de Water, J., Mastergeorge, A., Naigles, L., Rogers, S., Wu Nordahl, C. (2017) In Pursuit of Neurophenotypes: The Consequences of Having Autism and a Big Brain. Autism Research 10, 711-722. DOI: 10.1002/aur.1755

Ellawadi, A., Fein, D., & Naigles, L. (2017) Category structure and processing in 6-year-olds with ASD. Autism Research 10: 327–336. DOI:10.1002/aur.1652

Jyotishi, M., Fein, D., & Naigles, L. (2017) Investigating the Grammatical and Pragmatic Origins of Wh- Questions in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Frontiers in Cognitive Science. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00319

Jyotishi, M., Fein, D., & Naigles, L. (2017) “Didn’t I just say that?” Comparing parent report and spontaneous speech as indicators of grammatical development. Research in Developmental Disabilities 61, 32-43. doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2016.12.013

Naigles, L. (2017) Introduction: Perspectives on Language in ASD. In L. Naigles (Ed.) Innovative Investigations of Language in Autism (pp. 3-12). NY: APA Books/Walter deGruyter.

Naigles, L. & Fein, D. (2017) Looking through their eyes: Tracking early language comprehension in ASD. In L. Naigles (Ed.) Innovative Investigations of Language in Autism (pp. 49-70). NY: APA Books/ Walter deGruyter.

Naigles, L., Johnson, R., Mastergeorge, A., Ozonoff, S., Rogers, S., Amaral, D., & Nordahl, C. (2017) Neural correlates of language variation in preschool males with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism Research 10, 1107-1119. doi: 10.1002/aur.1756

Naigles, L.R. & Tek, S. (2017) ‘Form is easy, meaning is hard’ revisited: (Re) Characterizing the Strengths and Weaknesses of Language in Children with Autism. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science 8. doi: 10.1002/wcs.1438

Perlman, M., Fusaroli, R., Fein, D., & Naigles, L. (2017). The use of iconic words in early child-parent interactions. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2017) (pp. 913-918). Cognitive Science Society.

Suh, J., Eigsti, I-M., Canfield, A., Irvine, C., Kelley, E., Naigles, L., & Fein, D. (2017) Language representation and language use in children with optimal outcomes from autism spectrum disorder. In L. Naigles (Ed.) Innovative Investigations of Language in Autism (pp. 225-244). NY: APA Books/Walter deGruyter.

Tek, S. & Naigles, L.R. (2017) The Shape Bias as a Word Learning Principle: Lessons from and for Autism Spectrum Disorder. Translational Issues in Psychological Science 3, 94-103. doi: 10.1037/tps0000104

Wittke, K., Mastergeorge, A., Ozonoff, S., Rogers, S. & Naigles, L. (2017) Grammatical Impairment and Autism Spectrum Disorder: Exploring Language Phenotypes Beyond Standardized Testing. Frontiers in Language Sciences. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00532


Chin, I. & Naigles, L.R. (2016). The Role of Caregivers’ Tense and Aspectual Distinctions on Children’s Later Acquisition. In J. Scott & D. Waughtal (Eds.) Proceedings of the 40th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, pp. 61-74. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Eigsti, I.M., Stevens, M., Schultz, R.T., Barton, M., Kelley, E., Naigles, L., Orinstein, A., Troyb, E., Fein, D. A. (2016) Language comprehension and brain function in individuals with optimal outcomes from Autism. NeuroImage: Clinical 10, 182-191. DOI: 10.1016/j.nicl.2015.11.014

Leischner, F.N., Weissenborn, J. & Naigles, L.R. (2016) Universal and Language-Specific Patterns in the Acquisition of Verb Argument Structures in German. Language Learning and Development 12, 113-137. DOI: 10.1080/15475441.2015.1052450

Matsuo, A., Naigles, L.R., Wood, G., & Kita, S. (2016) Children’s use of morphosyntax and argument structure to infer the meaning of novel transitive and intransitive verbs. In T. Kageyama & W. Jacobsen (Eds.) Transitivity and Valency Alternations: Studies on Japanese and Beyond (pp. 341- 356). De Gruyter: Mouton.

Naigles, L. & Chin, I. (2016) Otizm Spektrum Bozukluğu Sahibi Ҫocuklarda Dil Yetisi [Language in children with autism spectrum disorders]. In C. Aydın, T. Göksun, A. Küntay & D. Tahiroğlu (Eds.) Zihinsel Gelişim [Handbook on Cognitive Development](pp. 343-364). Istanbul: Koç University Press.

Naigles, L., Cheng, M., Xu Rattasone, N., Tek, S., Khetrapal, N., Fein, D., & Demuth, K. (2016) “You’re telling me!” Prevalence and Predictors of Pronoun Reversals in Children with ASD and Typical Development. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 27, 11-20. DOI: 10.1016/j.rasd.2016.03.008.


Goodwin, A., Fein, D., & Naigles, L. (2015) The role of maternal input in the development of wh- question comprehension in autism and typical development. Journal of Child Language 42, 32-63.

Naigles, L. (2015) Comment les enfants avec un trouble de spectre autistique comprennent-ils le langage? In H. Delage & S. Durrleman (Eds.) Langage et cognition dans l’autisme chez l’enfant: Theorie et Clinique (pp. 11-17). Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium: De Boeck-Solal.

Naigles, L.R. & Bavin, E.L. (2015) Introduction: Perspectives on Child Language. In E. Bavin & L. Naigles (Eds.) Cambridge Handbook of Child Language, 2nd edition (pp. 1-12). Cambridge: CUP.

Naigles, L.R. & Chin, I. (2015) Language development in children with autism. In E. Bavin & L. Naigles (Eds.) Cambridge Handbook of Child Language, 2nd (pp. 637-658). Cambridge: CUP.

Orinstein, A., Tyson, K. E., Suh, J., Troyb, E., Helt, M., Rosenthal, M., Barton, M. L., Eigsti, I. M., Kelley, E., Naigles, L., Schultz, R. T., Stevens, M. C., & Fein, D. A. (2015) Psychiatric symptoms in youth with a history of autism and optimal outcome. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 45, 3703-3714.

Potrzeba, E., Fein, D., & Naigles, L. (2015) Investigating the shape bias in typically developing children and children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Frontiers in Psychology: Cognition. http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/doi10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00446/

Tovar, A., Fein, D., & Naigles, L. (2015) Grammatical Aspect Is a Strength in the Language Comprehension of Young Children with Autism. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research 58, 301-310. doi:10.1044/2014


Kelty-Stephen, E., Tek, S., Fein, D., & Naigles, L. (2014). Specific effects of joint attention on language development in children with autism spectrum disorders. In W. Orman & M. Valleau (Eds.) Proceedings of the 38th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (pp. 205-215). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Orinstein, A.J., Helt, M. Troyb, E., Tyson, K., Barton, M., Eigsti, I-M., Naigles, L.R., & Fein, D.A. (2014) Intervention History of Children and Adolescents with High-Functioning Autism and Optimal Outcomes. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 35(4): 247-56.

Suh, J., Eigsti, I.M., Naigles, L., Barton, M., Kelley, E. A., and Fein, D.A. (2014). Narrative Abilities of Optimal Outcome Children and Adolescents with a Previous History of an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 44:1681–1694.

Tek, S., Mesite, L., Fein, D., & Naigles, L.R. (2014) Longitudinal Analyses of Expressive Language Development Reveal Two Distinct Language Profiles among Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 44, 75-89.

Troyb E, Orinstein A, Tyson K, Eigsti IM, Naigles L, Fein D. (2014) Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors in Individuals with a History of ASDs Who Have Achieved Optimal Outcomes. J Autism Dev Disorders 44, 3168-3184.

Tyson, K., Kelley, E., Fein, D., Orinstein, A., Troyb, E., Barton, M., Eigsti, I., Naigles, L., Schultz, R. T., Stevens, M., Helt, M., Rosenthal, M. (2014) Language and verbal memory in individuals with a history of autism spectrum disorders who have achieved optimal outcomes. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 44, 648-663.


Fein, D., Barton, M., Eigsti, I-M., Kelley, E., Naigles, L., Schultz, R., Stevens, M., Helt, M., Orinstein, A., Rosenthal, M., Troyb, E., & Tyson, K. (2013) Optimal Outcome in Individuals with a History of Autism. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 54, 195-205. doi: 10.1111/jcpp.12037

Naigles, L. (2013) Input and language development in children with autism. Seminars in Speech and Language (Special issue on Child language input and interaction: Key concepts for the speech- language pathologist) 34 (4), 237-248.

Naigles, L.R. & Bavin, E. (2013) Atypical language development: Introduction to the special issue. Journal of Child Language 40, 1-10.

Naigles, L.R., Kelley, E., Troyb, E., & Fein, D. (2013) Residual difficulties with categorical induction in children with a history of autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 43, 2048 2061. doi:10.1007/s10803-012-1754-y


Candan, A., Küntay, A., Yeh, Y., Cheung, H., Wagner, L., & Naigles, L. (2012) Age and language effects in children’s processing of word order. Cognitive Development 27, 205-221.

Goodwin, A., Fein, D., & Naigles, L. (2012) Comprehension of wh-questions precedes their production in typical development and autism spectrum disorders. Autism Research 5, 109-123.

Matsuo, A., Sotaro, K. Sinya, Y., Wood, G., & Naigles, L.R. (2012) Japanese two-year-olds use morphosyntax to learn novel verb meanings. Journal of Child Language 39, 637 – 663.

Naigles, L. (2012) Not sampling, getting it all. In E. Hoff (Ed.) Guide to Research Methods in Child Language (pp. 240-253). Wiley-Blackwell.

Naigles, L.R. & Tovar, A.T. (2012) Portable Intermodal Preferential Looking (IPL): Investigating Language Comprehension in Typically Developing Toddlers and Young Children with Autism. Journal of Visualized Experiments (70), e4331, doi:10.3791/4331.

Piotroski, J. & Naigles, L. (2012) Preferential Looking. In E. Hoff (Ed.) Guide to Research Methods in Child Language (pp. 17-28). Wiley-Blackwell.

Tek, S., Jaffery, R., Meade, L., Fein, D., & Naigles, L.R. (2012) The shape bias is affected by differing visual contrast among objects. Cognitive Development 27, 28-38.


Gola, A.H., Mayeux, L., & Naigles, L. (2011) Can children learn language from electronic media? In D. Singer & J. Singer (Eds.) Handbook of Children and the Media, 2nd edition (pp. 139-156). Sage Publications.

Hoff, E. & Naigles, L. (2011) Invited commentary on Lieven & Brandt, Roeper & Perez-Leroux. Infancia & Aprendizaje. 34 (3), 409-413.

Naigles, L., Kelty, E., Jaffery, R. & Fein, D. (2011) Abstractness and continuity in the syntactic development of young children with autism. Autism Research 4: 422-437.

Naigles, L.R. & Maltempo, A. (2011) Verb argument structure acquisition in young children: Defining a role for discourse. Journal of Child Language 38, 662-674.

Naigles, L., Reynolds, C., & Küntay, A. (2011) 2- and 3-year-olds’ sensitivity to pronoun case in English sentence comprehension. In N. Danis, K. Mesh, and H. Sung (Eds). A Supplement to the Proceedings of the 34th Boston University Conference on Language Development.

2010 & earlier

Anastas, J., Gindin, L., Kelty, E., Rhimzim, A., Zhao, J., Andrade, B., Finkel, D., Palatinus, K., Schimdtke, J., Tobin, S., & Naigles, L. (2010) Review of Handbook of Child Language (E. Bavin, Ed.). Journal of Child Language 37, 1133-1140.

Kelley, E., Naigles, L.R. & Fein, D. (2010) An In-Depth Examination of Optimal Outcome Children with a History of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 4, 526-538.

Wagner, L., Swensen, L., & Naigles, L.R. (2009) Children’s Early Productivity with Verbal Morphology. Cognitive Development 24, 223–239.

Göksun, T., Küntay, A., & Naigles, L. (2008) Turkish children use morphosyntax in extending verb meaning. Journal of Child Language 35, 291-323.

Howard, A., Mayeux, L. & Naigles, L. (2008) Conversational correlates to children’s acquisition of mental verbs and a theory of mind. First Language 28, 375-402.

Lee, J. & Naigles, L. (2008) Mandarin learners use syntactic bootstrapping in verb acquisition. Cognition 106, 1028-1037.

Tek, S., Jaffery, G., Fein, D., & Naigles, L.R. (2008) Do children with autism show a shape bias in word learning? Autism Research 1, 202-215.

Naigles, L. R. & Swensen, L.D. (2007) Syntactic supports for word learning. In E. Hoff & M. Shatz (Eds.) The Handbook of Language Development (pp. 212-231). New York: Blackwell.

Swensen, L., Kelley, E., Fein, D., & Naigles, L. (2007) Children with autism display typical language learning characteristics: Evidence from preferential looking. Child Development 78, 542-557.

Swensen, L.D., Naigles, L.R., & Fein, D. (2007) Does Maternal Input Affect the Language of Children with Autism? In H. Caunt-Nulton, S. Kulatilake, & I. Woo (Eds.) BUCLD 31: Proceedings of the 31st annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (pp. 609-619). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Hohenstein, J., Eisenberg, A.R. & Naigles, L. (2006) Is he floating across or crossing afloat? Cross- influence of L1 and L2 in Spanish-English bilingual adults. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 9, 249-261.

Kelley, E., Paul, J., Fein, D., & Naigles, L. (2006) Residual language deficits in children with a history of autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 36, 807-828.

Naigles, L.R. & Hoff, E. (2006) Verb learning at the very beginning: parallels between comprehension and input. In K. Hirsh-Pasek and R. Golinkoff (Eds.) Early verb learning: Action meets words (pp. 336-363). New York: Oxford University Press.

Naigles, L., Küntay, A., Göksun, T., & Lee, J. (2006) Language-specific properties influence children’s acquisition of argument structure. In D. Bamman, T. Magnitskaia, & C. Zaller (Eds.) BUCLD 30: Proceedings of the 30th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (pp. 388-398). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Lee, J. & Naigles, L.R. (2005) Input to Verb Learning in Mandarin Chinese: A Role for Syntactic Bootstrapping. Developmental Psychology 41, 529-540.

Naigles, L., Bavin, E., & Smith, M. (2005) Toddlers recognize verbs in novel situations and sentences. Developmental Science 8, 424-431.

Hohenstein, J., Naigles, L., & Eisenberg, A. (2004) Keeping verb acquisition in motion: A comparison of English and Spanish. In G. Hall & S. Waxman (Eds.) Weaving a lexicon (pp. 569-602). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Kelley, E., Janovicz, A., Mayeux, L., Paul, J., Vear, D., Naigles, L., & Fein, D. (2004) Continuing linguistic deficits in children with a history of autism. Brain and Cognition 56, 121.

Naigles, L.R. (2004) Comprehension matters: A commentary on “Multiple solutions to the logical problem of language acquisition.” Journal of Child Language 31, 936-940.

Naigles, L.R. (2003) Paradox lost? No, paradox found! Reply to Tomasello & Akhtar (2003). Cognition 88, 325-329.

Hoff, E. & Naigles, L. (2002) How children use input to acquire a lexicon. Child Development 73, 418-433.

Naigles, L.R. (2002) Form is easy, meaning is hard: Resolving a paradox in early child language. Cognition 86, 157-199.

Naigles, L.R. (2002) Why theories of word learning don’t always work as theories of verb learning. Commentary on P. Bloom’s How children learn the meanings of words. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24, 1113-1114.

Naigles, L., Bavin, E., & Smith, M. (2002) Generalizing novel verbs to different structures: Evidence for the importance of understanding meaning. Proceedings of the Boston University Conference on Language Development (pp. 417-428). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Naigles, L. & Lehrer, N. (2002) Language-general and language-specific influences on children’s acquisition of argument structure: A comparison of French and English. Journal of Child Language 29, 545-566.

Naigles, L. & Bavin, E.L. (2001) Generalising new verbs to different structures: Evidence for the early distinction of verbs and frames. Proceedings of the Boston University Conference on Language Development. Boston: Cascadilla Press.

Naigles, L. & Mayeux, L. (2001) Television as incidental language teacher. In D. Singer & J. Singer (Eds.) Handbook of Children and the Media (pp. 135-153). Sage.

Naigles, L. (2000) Manipulating the input: Studies in mental verb acquisition. In B. Landau, J. Sabini, J. Jonides, & E. Newport (Eds.), Perception, Cognition, Language: Essays in honor of Henry and Lila Gleitman (pp. 245-274). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Naigles, L. (1998) Developmental changes in the use of structure in verb learning. In C. Rovee-Collier, L. Lipsitt, & H. Haynes (Eds.) Advances in Infancy Research, Vol.12 (pp. 298-318). London: Ablex.

Naigles, L., Eisenberg, A., Kako, E., Highter, M., and McGraw, N. (1998) Speaking of motion: Verb use by English and Spanish speakers. Language and Cognitive Processes 13, 521-549.

Naigles, L. & Hoff-Ginsberg, E. (1998) Why are some verbs learned before other verbs? Effects of input frequency and structure on children’s early verb use. Journal of Child Language 25, 95-120.

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