Our fantastic graduate student Amanda Mankovich recently had her paper, “Say that again: Quantifying patterns of production for children with autism using recurrence analysis”, published in Frontiers in Psychology. Congratulations, Amanda!
Author: Corrigan, Grace
Lab Hike 8/12/2022
Last Friday, the team took advantage of the beautiful weather and hiked on Soapstone Mountain. It was our last chance to be in-person for quite some time, as Dr. Naigles is about to depart on a multi-week trip to Denmark and Switzerland as part of her sabbatical. Additionally, it was our last chance to say goodbye to Juandiego Carmona, our former lab coordinator, who will be starting his PhD this fall at Teacher’s College, Columbia University. We are going to miss Juandiego but are so proud of him and hope he has an amazing time in NYC!

Reunited in-person!
Yesterday, we held a fully in-person Grad Lab meeting for the first time since our new personnel (lab coordinator Grace, honors student Julia, and McNair Scholar Sarah) joined the lab in June. It was great getting to see everyone in real life, albeit masked. We discussed upcoming conferences, trainings, and projects, then took a group photo* at the end. Next up: our team-building group hike in a few weeks!
*All members are fully vaccinated and were only unmasked for the duration of the photo.

Sarah’s McNair research presentation!
Our incredible undergraduate McNair Scholar Sarah presented her research poster, “Child Vocalization Development Coded Through the International Phonetic Alphabet: A comparison of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Typically Developing Children,” at the 10th Annual McNair Scholars Summer Poster Exhibit today! Sarah spent her summer transcribing typically developing and autistic low- and middle-verbal participants’ vocalizations into the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), then analyzing differences in usage of consonant and vowel types and tokens between the three groups. She will be building on her summer research as she enters her senior year and is considering adding phoneme elongation as a variable of interest. We are so proud of what Sarah has achieved and can’t wait to see what she does next!

We have a lab Facebook page!
Introducing our brand-new Facebook page!