Month: August 2021

RIP Lila R. Gleitman

Lila R. Gleitman


Lila R. Gleitman

(1929 – 2021)

University of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, PA
Psychologist; Linguist; Educator
Click here for the National Academy Arts & Sciences obituary

In 2008, Lila and I (Letty) were chatting at BUCLD and I told her that my high-school aged twins were ‘studying Julius Caesar’.  What I meant was that they were reading the Shakespeare play, but she assumed I meant they were reading Caesar’s Gallic Wars–in Latin.   That was Lila, always zeroing in on something language-related, and we had a good chuckle about yet another example of referential ambiguity. So when, in 2009, BUCLD held a 80th birthday celebration for Lila, I vowed to create a Latin Oration in her honor.  The result–which benefited greatly from Andrea Calabrese’s tutelage–can be seen below, followed by the translation.

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Congratulations Cynthia!

Cynthia successfully defended her Masters thesis on July 29, 2021. Her thesis was titled, “Structural and Pragmatic Language Abilities of Children with ASD, ADHD, and Comorbid Symptoms of Both during Conversational Discourse in a Virtual Reality Task”. Hooray, Cynthia Boo, M.A., M.S.!

Screenshot of Cynthia's Master Defense Presentation